Remote Monitoring and Control of Agricultural and Industrial Assets

    Dr Nigel Crump, Director AUSPICA

    ”The Victorian Seed Potato Authority is using Arcoflex Monitoring to help manage seed potato beds in its hothouses. Being remotely located at Toolangi in the ranges north of Melbourne, the 24/7 automated monitoring of growing conditions and equipment health has reduced management costs, plant stock risk and is optimizing plant growth.
    With the continual collection and storage of data it is now possible to profile optimal growing conditions and develop disease prevention strategies.
    “Arcoflex has given us a way to save on labour costs by having remote monitoring sensors keep track of growing conditions. We have reduced the use of chemical sprays with proactive monitoring of soil moisture and humidity conditions. We can also now track growing condition data not possible with manual recording. Arcoflex has saved us money and increased our horticultural knowledge.” 

    Clint Knight—Tanderra Dairies

    "Arcoflex paid for itself in just one day when it alerted us that the milk vat compressor wasn’t running ."
    "Their remote monitoring system has provided us with complete ease of mind by being able to monitor feed levels and water pressure from any location over the Internet. The mobile phone browser access is an assurance that I would not be without today."