Remote Monitoring and Control of Agricultural and Industrial Assets

    Micro Gateways

    Our Micro Gateway allows you to monitor your water tanks, solar pumps, dairy power supply, vat temperature, milking temperature. This is our basic entry monitoring unit available to farming operations that just want to monitor 2 or 3 assets. Do this from any standard PC, tablet or smart phone. With timely text and email alerts, you are aware key issues around your farming operation. Our automated data recording features minimise equipment failure and the cost of unnecessary physical attendance to farm sites. Monitor your assets’ security with an Arcoflex Gateway today!


    Typical solutions cost less than $6,000, plus installation.

    • Our base entry gateway if you just want to monitor 2 or 3 assets. Dairy vat, power supply, milking temperature, tank level, fence line.
    • It will not require an electrician to install. We will do it.
    •  It only requires a standard 230V AC GPO. 
    • It is designed to be completely portable, in that the owner can remove it easily if required.
    • It can monitor limited sensors like power supply, vat temp, milking temp and vat volume, tank level etc 24/7.
    • Alerts and alarms are all still all available as before.
    • Its battery backup should power fail.
    • It is not extensible beyond this limited list of additions.